Are you feeling helpless, lost and afraid, like a cork tossed upon an angry sea? Are you disturbed by the state of society and culture? Are you dismayed by the loss of rights and freedoms you once took for granted? Are you done with social engineering, political correctness and indoctrination? Do you despair for your future, your children’s and grand children’s future?
You are not alone. Take heart. The Richard Syrett Show, weekday afternoons on NewsTalk Sauga 960 AM, is a beacon of light and positivity. Richard Syrett is a seasoned broadcaster, a principled conservative, and an eternal
optimist who believes deeply in the power of human potential, ingenuity, entrepreneurialism, family, freedom and dignity.
The Richard Syrett Show is your daily audio antidote to groupthink and a How-to Manual for surviving and thriving in a chaotic world. Most importantly, Richard delivers good news, a new age of conservative populism is arising and is sweeping the globe.
Join Richard every weekday from 4 to 6pm as he discusses the forces and agendas shaping our culture, our communities, and our families. Richard delivers
news and opinion with humour and common sense, in-depth analysis of important stories and trends, and compelling interviews with news makers. Dark clouds have gathered, a storm is approaching, but be not afraid. Help has arrived.
The Richard Syrett Show has landed on NewsTalk Sauga 960 AM.


Jonathan Wellum
The Smart Money – Mondays 4:38/4:48
Jonathan Wellum is President and CEO of Rocklinc Investment Partners, an independent investment management firm focusing
solely on creating portfolios of high quality assets customized to their client’s needs of protecting and growing their wealth efficiently.

Marc Patrone
The Morning Guy – Mondays 5:48
Marc Patrone is the host of “The Marc Patrone Morning Show” heard weekday mornings from 7-9am on NewsTalk Sauga 960

Robert Bortins
The Homeschool Advisor – Tuesdays 4:48pm
Robert Bortins – CEO of Classical Conversations, a proven Christian homeschool program created by parents for parents.

Pam Killeen
Beyond Big Pharma – Tuesdays 5:48pm
Pam Killeen is a health and wellness coach and co-author of The Great Bird Flu Hoax: The Truth They Don’t Want You to Know About the “Next Big Pandemic (Dr. Joseph Mercola) and the host of the Circadian Reboot podcast.

Tony Heller
The Cult of Climate Change – Wednesdays 4:48pm
Tony Heller is a geologist, electrical engineer, forest ranger, school teacher, full-time bicyclist and lifelong environmentalist. He’s very active on social media countering the official narrative concerning man-made global warming. He is the founder of

Jerimiah Tittle
This Day in Rock History – Wednesdays 5:48pm
Jeremiah Tittle is Co-Host of The 500 with Josh Adam Meyers podcast
which counts down the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. Josh is also Founder and CEO of Next Chapter Podcasts.

Franco Terrazzano
Keeping an Eye on Your Money – Thursdays 4:38
Franco Terrazzano – Federal Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Jay Goldberg
Keeping an Eye on Your Money – Thursdays 4:38
Jay Goldberg – Ontario Director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Maureen Sullivan
In Defence of Women – Thursdays 4:48
CAWSBAR Steering Committee Member

Nick Soter
The Sofa Cinefile – Fridays 4:48pm
Nick Soter is a lifelong fan of cinema. He launched a community cinema club in Toronto in 2021

Greg Carrasco
There’s Something Happening Here! with Greg Carassco – Friday’s 5:38pm
Greg Carrasco is a Dad first, Brazilian jiu jitsu student, Host of The Greg Carrasco Show -Saturday mornings 8-11am on Sauga 960AM – the most influential and largest Automotive talk show in Canada, President and CEO of Wild Wolf Enterprises. Greg is also Vice President of Operations and General Manager of Oakville Nissan and Oakville Infiniti and Co-Owner of OCTA BJJ in Oakville.

The LimRiddler
The LimRiddler joins Richard every Friday just before the news at 5pm with another LimRiddle. A Limriddle™ is a riddle in the form of a limerick.
The object is to solve for a single word. The word has different meanings, but all have the same spelling, though sometimes not the same pronunciation.
Subscribe for weekly Limriddles at